Family Crests / Familiewapens 2 years ago the SHA completed a major project - with the display of family crests on the lamp posts of Voortrek St.

August 13, 2024
Family Crests / Familiewapens  2 years ago the  SHA completed a major project -  with the display of family crests on the  lamp posts of Voortrek St.

The Swellendam Heritage Association closed the Family Crests project some 2 years ago. These are the family Coatsof Arms (Crests) that line the lamp poles on  the western end of Voortrek Street.

Since that time, the associationhas been approached by various residents of Swellendam to have their family’s coat of arms included in the project.


The project can be extended but isonly viable if a minimum of 30 Coats of Arms are applied and paid for prior toerection. This bulk approach is needed to achieve maximum cost effectivenesswith regard to the manufacture of the frames (upon which the Coats of Arms aremounted), the galvanising, assembly and erection thereof.

The current cost calculation for 1Coat of Arms on one side of a frame (as are the erected Coats of Arms) isR5000.00 erected.


Anyone who wishes to participate inthis proposed project extension is asked to contact Hennie Steyn at 082 9569454 or at orPhilip Bromley at 073 248 3999 or p.bromley05@gmail.combefore the 30th of September 2024


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Die SwellendamErfenisvereniging het die Familiewapen projek sowat 2 jaar gelede gesluit. Hierword verwys na die familiewapens wat teen die lamppale aan die westelike puntvan Voortrekstraat vertoon.

Sedertdien is dievereniging deur verskeie inwoners van Swellendam genader om hul familie sewapen by die projek te laat insluit.


Die projek kanverleng word, maar is slegs lewensvatbaar indien daar aansoek en betalinggedoen word vir 'n minimum van 30 Familiewapens, voor oprigting. Hierdiegrootmaatbenadering is nodig om maksimum kostedoeltreffendheid te bereik tenopsigte van die vervaardiging van die rame (waarop die Familiewapen gemonteeris), die galvanisering, montering en oprigting daarvan.

Die huidigekosteberekening vir 1 Familiewapen aan een kant van 'n raam (soos die huidige opgerigteFamiliewapens) is R5000.00, opgerig.


Enigiemand wat aan hierdievoorgestelde verlenging van die projek wil deelneem, word gevra om Hennie Steynby 082 956 9454 of by of Philip Bromley by 073 248 3999

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