Minutes of SHA AGM 2022

June 10, 2024


Welcome all Members to the AGM for the financial year 2021/2022

This year is our 42nd Anniversary Year and we werehonored by the Heritage Association of South Africa (HASA), who held theirAnnual Symposium from 14 to 17 October 2021 in Swellendam

2. Approval of the Minutes of the RemoteAGM held in May 2021.

3. Matters Arising

4. Chairman’s Report

Our last financial year ending on 31 March 2022, was a lessactive year for your Association, due to the virus. However, during the latterpart of the year, we were able to pick up the pace of our activities, whichwere as follows:

  • Talk by Elsa Marais.
  • Outing to Drostdy     Museum.
  • Visit to Rheenendal Mill     and Farm.
  • Visit to Renosterfontein     and Westville Farms.
  • HASA Symposium.
  • Visit to Elim Mission     Station.
  • Talk by Nicole Stassen.
  • Talk by Jim Hislop


  • Family Crest Project.

This is the largest project embarked on by SHA to date, totaling 118 Crests. The Project was concluded in June 2021.This will befollowed by a Project to erect wall mounted Information Boards on all theHistoric buildings in Voortrek Str.

  • Wall Mounted Family     Crests for private homes will also be made available for sale, as well as     Family Flags. It is hoped that these will ensure a steady income for SHA.
  • Blue Plaque Schools     Project – This Project is being executed in collaboration with HASA     (previously the Simon Van Der Stel Foundation) whereby plaques are     presented to deserving schools that have survived social and political     challenges through time. To date plaques have been presented to –     Swellendam High School – Swellendam Primary School – Bontebok Primary     School and the Elim Mission School.
  • Swellendam Heritage     Publications.

Books published by SHA to date are:

“Catalogue of Graves in the DR Church yard”.

“Treasures of Swellendam”

“Swellendam 1743 – 1943”.

“Geskiedkundige Swellendam”.

“De Geschiedenis van de Gemeente Swellendam”.

New books in the process of publication - 2022.

“History of Swellendam”. (of which the launch is planned for July).

“Leivore, Meulens and Steen Groewe (Brickworks) van Swellendam”. (Now available at Bokmakiri)

Books for future publication that we are currently working on are as follows:

“Ten Years in South Africa” by the author Moodie (2022).

“The indigenous Forests of Swellendam”(2023)

“The Hermitage” (2023)

“History of Buffelsjag” (2024)

“The Main Street (Voortrek and Swellengrebel) of Swellendam Then and Now”.

This last book about the main street will consist of catalogues supported by mounted information bearing sign boards mounted on buildings. These will be numbered, and people will be able to trace the numbers in the catalogues, where the complete history and photos of each building will be displayed. This promises to be a major Project.

“The History of Prominent Farms in the Swellendam District”(2024)

“Personalities and Characters of Swellendam”. This will be a series of publications covering more than 300 years of Swellendam’s social Life.From this you will be able to gather that your association therefore needs the support of members and the public to keep up the momentum. All the books and information about them is available from Bokmakiri Book Shop, or from Hennie Steyn on 082 9569 454. Your association’s committee would appreciate the members’ support in the above endeavours. Furthermore, the association received a donation of a substantial selection of books from the family of the late author, Edmund Burrows, best known for his trilogy: Overberg Outspan, Overberg Odyssey and Overberg Origins. These books are currently in the process of being shipped to South Africa.

  • Sugar Bridge.

Your committee is still trying to re-ignite the effort to restore this old Monument. We have been in consultation with Heritage Western Cape to obtain support for this effort. Any assistance will be appreciated.

  • Museum Rose Garden.

The Board of Trustees and Friends of the Museum have embarked on a Project to refurbish the Drostdy gardens and the old Rose Garden, originally designed by Gwen Fagan. SHA, through its members’ donations, along with the community at large, were able to contribute towards the purchase ofHeritage Roses. Each rose will be labeled, including a small plaque with a dedication from the donor. 50 roses were donated. In addition, the dam in  the grounds that feeds the Rose Garden has been refurbished. This Project is to be completed by November this year

  • Building Restorations     and Approvals.

In conjunction with the Municipal Aesthetics Committee theSHA has been involved with the support and guidance of various building restoration efforts. These include the maintenance Project of the Museum, The Groen Padda Development (in Swellengrebel Street, next door to The Republic of Swellendam restaurant) and the corner building on Faure Street, etc.

  • Replacement of damaged     Heritage information Boards.

Ongoing as funds permit. The “Kerk Plein” Information board was replaced during April 2022.


5. Treasurers Report. May 2021

Our finances have been audited by BVSA, who do this for us on a Pro Bona basis as per previous years. For this we are incredibly grateful.

The audit indicated that our finances are in sound order ,and the audit pack will be made available for further insight to our members.


6. Election of Incoming ExecutiveCommittee.

Your current Executive Committee is prepared to stand again for the next financial year ending on 31st March 2023. This is subject to a Membership vote.

Alf Hunter – Chairman and Treasurer.

Carol Podd – Vice Chairperson and communication.

Philip Bromley – Secretary.

Hennie Steyn – Managing Member - Historic research andSpeakers.

Johan Kriek – Managing Member – Restoration Processes approvals.

Margie Walker – Co-Opted Member – Finances.

Derek Weightman – Co-Opted Member – Managing Member –General Activities.

Etienne Zeeman – Managing Member – Managing Member -Technology.


7. General / Other Business.

Here ends my report. Thank you.

Alf Hunter