SHA Award rules
Formation of a Merit Award Committee & its governing rules
The Swellendam Heritage Association (SHA) has decided that people and institutions in the municipal and neighbouring areas of Swellendam should be recognised for their efforts to maintain or enhance the attractiveness of the region and with this in mind has created a logo signifying merit in such efforts.
- Such logo is to be mounted on a plaque to stand alone or to be affixed to a structure or to be incorporated on a certificate with suitable additions determined by the circumstances of the recipient
- Nominations will be requested from the community via the Media: newspapers, social media websites
- To ensure objectivity in the award of the logo an award committee is to be established comprising responsible individuals domiciled in the municipal area of Swellendam and who are to act with absolute integrity in making the awards
The committee hopefully is to comprise - the incumbent chairperson of the SHA who shall act as chairperson of the committee
- a town councillor nominated by the Town Council
- a representative nominated by the local museum
- a representative nominated by the Swellendam Aesthetics Committee
- In the absence of any nominations aforesaid the SHA may seek replacements from parties whom useful contributions may be anticipated. In addition, the committee shall be free to co-opt on an interim basis no more than two persons for the purpose of advising on any issue before the committee. No voting rights shall attach to any such co-opted persons.
- A quorum for an effective meeting of the committee shall be three members present with a simple majority vote being decisive. However, no merit award of any sort may be made otherwise than by a unanimous decision of the parties present at an effective meeting.
- Minutes shall be recorded at every meeting of the committee, shall be approved and acted upon and stored for reference purposes. Such minutes and any records of the deliberations of the committee shall be made available to the executive committee of the SHA on request.
- The SHA shall have no influence over the decisions of the committee, nor may the committee be required to report to the SHA otherwise than in the sense set out in Paragraph 6 above.
- All costs incurred in respect of the merit awards envisaged herein are for the account of the SHA.