Upcoming Events

Our Long Walk to Economic Freedom”

The subject title of Professor Fourie's talk is: “Our Long Walk to Economic Freedom”

Wow! I hear you say. What is that all about?

Well……. from the tax censuses of 18th century of Cape settler farmers (and Khoe communities), Johan Fourie will take us on a journey through South Africa's economic history into the present age of Artificial Intelligence.

What are the two lessons we can learn from economic history? Can we apply these lessons to South Africa today? Please join us to find out.

Johan Fourie is the Chair of Economics, History and Policy at Stellenbosch University and director of LEAP, the Laboratory for the Economics of Africa's Past. He is the author of Our Long Walk to Economic Freedom and Skatryk, a frequent columnist for News24 and Rapport, and blogger at  www.ourlongwalk.com  (please sign up for free before the talk)!

Food and Bev    : Snacks, wine and juice and general socialising after the talk

RSVP                : For catering purposes RSVP by Monday 17th evening to p.bromley05@gmail.com

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards




Drostdy Schuur


R90 for members, R120 non members


June 20, 2024
June 20, 2024

Booking number:

June 20, 2024

booking email: